Thursday, April 1, 2010

Attention April Powell, The 20's Called- They Want Their Final Rose Back.

This is my former neighbor, my co-worker, my wedding florist, my comrade in all things "The Bachelor" and my friend, April.

She turns 30 tomorrow.
She is awesome.

Somehow, and I'm not sure what I've done in this universe to be so lucky- life has lead me to a handful of really exceptional, positive and charismatic people. Human beings who are nothing short of magnetic and who choose to run the marathon of life with a very real and fiery passion for all that that journey entails. April is one of these people.

Because our relationship spans a variety of connections- we've shared quite a bit in the past 5 years. She was there when Tyson took his first steps. She got me the job that I now cherish more than I ever imagined. And because she works for the same company, I am fortunate enough to watch her grow in her career and impress and impress and impress some more. And she does it in a way that is very unassuming, very natural. She's just so effin good at what she does. From her, I have learned so much.

On my 30th birthday, I came to work and was greeted with balloons, streamers and banners all announcing to the world or anyone who walked past our office that "Brandy Smith was 30!" I loved every second of it and I'm not sure if I told her how special that made me feel. But hopefully I just did.

Being the two similarly passionate people that we are, we have had some heated moments. From this I learned two things: She don't take no shit. AND she gets over it very quickly. To me that speaks volumes about a person. And for April it says that she just has no desire to harbor negative baggage. We could all learn a lesson or two from this. I've learned mine.

Although she currently lives in Denver,  the land of woodsy, John 'Denverish' type things, she embraces her southern roots in a way that would make even Paula Dean proud. I love love love this about her. And I think there's a certain mountain man in her life that would agree.

So Happy Birthday to my dear friend, April. You said it best when you announced that the 20's are soooo overrated. There is a wisdom, a comfort, and an awakening that almost immediately envelopes you upon your arrival into the thirties. Wisdom because you've learned from mistakes already made. Comfort because you can now truly recognize and appreciate the colorful fibers that make you FINALLY feel safe in your own skin. And you awake to discover that all of this combined, makes you beautiful. And beautifully amazing. Of course we can’t leave out your supporting cast: The aforementioned hunky mountain man, your cool kitty, those sexy-as-hell cowboy boots and your lover, Celine Dion.

Much Love, Miss Powell. Hope this year is all that you hope for and more!!!


Anonymous said...

so true. she's quite a dilly. <3

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Life is funny. Sometimes it's the complete opposite. This is my best attempt at trying to capture it all...